Tablets: “T-commerce” and Mobile Payment
- Forrester firm explains that the "t-commerce" (neologism designating commerce transactions made using tablets, such as the iPad) should significantly grow this year. The firm believes that sales should double and reach 24.1 million units in the United States in 2011. This point of view seems to be confirmed by the interest of developers for this support (Source: IDC, Q1 2011 Mobile Developer)
- IDC Q1 2011 Mobile Developer, states that the iPad seemingly attracts most developers, it is followed by the Android Tablet (12 points progression in three months), and then BlackBerry PlayBook (which jumps from 16% to 28% expressed interest).
- Also, 82% of developers would wish to distribute their applications through the Android Market, 37% are interested in the Amazon Appstore and 13% for Verizon VCAST.
- Google makes progress in the field of mobile development and according to recent statements by Google CEO, Eric Schmidt there are 350,000 Android activations per day, 170 compatible devices and 150,000 available apps (Mobile World Congress 2011, Barcelona).
- HP is also becoming a significant player on tablets market. Mid-February, a new tool was presented, the TouchPad in WebOS, intended to compete with the iPad and other Android Tablets. After HP acquired Palm, it stepped in this emerging market and intends to have his share. This new device should be made available in summer 2011.
- Finally, a Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project study, conducted from August to September 2010 on a sample of 3,001 American adults, reveals that about 4% of this population has bought a tablet.