M-payment: Facebook on Its Way to Develop New Mobile Web Standards

- During the Mobile World Congress, Facebook presented several mobile Web-based projects as well as its current work on crafting dedicated standards in partnership with vendors. The social network is collaborating with about thirty providers (handset makers, developers and carriers) to create a standard for mobile browsing and payments.
- A new community group has been formed, the W3C (Mobile Web Platform Core Community Group), to improve and standardise mobile browsers as well as to promote the adoption of HTML5.
- To this end, Facebook proposes Ringmark: this suite designed to qualify the management of these new standards by mobile browsers is undergoing a test period. It should also help mobile carriers and manufacturers assess the portability of their apps.
- For developers, the use of operators-based payment platforms should on longer be necessary if they opt for the system proposed by Facebook. Radical changes are on their way, and could significantly expand the reach of their offers.
- These disclosures are confirming the rumours noted in July 2011 regarding collaborations between Facebook and several developers in favour of HTML5 (see August 2011 Insight). They also assert the network’s commitment to develop a payment-oriented mobile strategy.
- These standards could be applied to a wide range of systems and may be a means, for developers, to mutualise their respective efforts and address more customers. Mobile Web-based solutions, typically “rivalled” by native apps, may be of interest for vendors the revenues of which could increase thanks to a more universal reach and through gaining a certain freedom from the paid platforms they have to use today to monetise their solutions. This initiative is set to directly challenge Apple’s, Google’s and even RiM’s stores.