Mobile Security: New Solution by KOBIL Systems

- KOBIL proposes new mobile apps to secure banking transactions using iOS and Android terminals.
- The offline authentication tools KOBIL SecOPTIC, KOBIL TAN Optimus comfort and KOBIL opTAN touch enable OTP generation to secure online transactions without additional software. KOBIL also enhances its range of products with two new devices: SecOPTIC compact and SecOPTIC elegance.
- KOBIl explains it is very aware that threats are now looming over mobile environments; it now adapts its authentication products to iPhones, iPads and Android handheld terminals.
- These tools seem appropriate as mobile media are ever more popular and knowing that their security is put to question. According to a study conducted by viaForensics, 25% of the m banking programmes they investigated failed the security tests to which they have been subjected. In most cases, testers managed to retrieve the user’s passwords but also his payments history, fragments of card numbers as well as other data. About 30% of the apps received a “Warn” (possible retrieval of the user’s name, etc.); only 44% successfully passed these tests.