Processing: EBA Clearing Preparing Pan-European E-Payment

- EBA Clearing proposes a specific interbank service to clear and settle e-commerce payments. Launched by EBA members, EBA Clearing operates the only PEACH within the SEPA. This offer is designed for banks and PIs to enable them to exchange online initiated credit transfers and direct debits, including mandates, through their e-banking portal.
- Basing on its white paper currently under consultation, ABE Clearing plans to launch a pilot in summer 2012, providing final customers (Internet users, e-merchants) with pan-EU connectivity.
- This offer relies on the EPC schemes (SCT, SDD) and will then be expanded to provide an infrastructure to several other services, euro payment services as well as non financial services, such as digital IDs.
- The number of interbank initiatives in e-commerce payments is now increasing. The financial crisis has not impacted the constant development of new offers in the competitive sector; interbank schemes now join in this trend through interbank co-operation. The EBA gathers 67 EU banks and appears to follow the same track as Cartes Bancaires with its i.CB project.
- The i.CB e-wallet is implementing research by CB, Gemalto, Atos and others (“FC²”). It aims at making online CB payments (e- and m-payments) easier and more secure. The wallet is designed to contain information for one or several cards, be they payment ones or not.