Luncheon Vouchers: Further Detail on the French Dematerialisation Project

- According to the Minister of the Economy, the French government is now discussing possible dematerialisation of luncheon vouchers and may be considering smartcards as a potential media; it also remains open to other solutions (mobile wallet for example).
- The association for luncheon voucher issuers, APETDS, gathering the four issuing brands wishes to take part in a consultation including all involved players to work on this project.
- Every day, 3.5 million French employees use these vouchers which can legally amount up to 10.58 euros.
- The APETDS reminds that these vouchers recently celebrated their fortieth anniversary. Not only do they concern 3.5 million employees every day, but also 122,000 companies and 164,000 restaurants as well as fruit and vegetable retailers (since end 2010).
- Edenred has already started its migration process to smartcards planned for 2012. Nevertheless, all players are aware that this migration implies a long setting up period: equipment of the acceptance points and required regulatory evolutions are to be considered (modification of the 1967 ordinance regulating luncheon vouchers).
See March 2011 Watch