PayPal Praised by Mobile Users According to GfK

- According to a recent study conducted by GfK on the image of payment schemes, smartphone users consider PayPal as the most trustworthy brand for online purchases. The pure player then outstrips the international card schemes Visa and MasterCard, but also Apple’s iTunes, Nokia and Samsung. Their expertise in secure online payment enabled them to gain mobile users’ confidence.
- This study was conducted in nine countries (United-States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Brazil and China). It explains that the level of trust and the issue of familiarisation are the main two factors involved in the success of a mobile payment solution. It also shows different levels in users’ interest in mobile payment in these countries. In developing countries such as China and Brazil, mobile payment is considered attractive (82% and 73%), while the users’ interest is less obvious in developed countries such as the United States or France (about 50%).
- PayPal would like to process over two billion dollars in mobile transactions this year and intends to reach a total of 7.5 billion dollars in transactions within two years.
- PayPal mobile solutions enjoy the same impression of security as its Internet services: 40% of the French Internet users consider it is the safest online means of payment even if its market share remains low compared to that of the bank card.