11 Strategic Initiative for 2011

- Trustwave SpiderLabs 2011 Global Security Report (2010 report became a world reference) studies the environment in which frauds have been performed these past 30 years.
- In the 1980’s fraud attempts mostly targeted physical environments (written, classified documents, etc.); in the 1990’s: IT networks were being developed; in 2000: e-mails, wireless networks and applications were growing used; and, in 2010: client oriented applications, mobile technologies and social networks are expanding.
- SpiderLabs’s 11 strategy initiatives not only tackle technological evolutions every company has to face, but also take into account any possible event. Assessing, monitoring, analysing, training employees, warning, setting up prevention programs, checking on service providers’ security, setting up teams dedicated to these incidents are possible responses within any company’s reach to address the risk of fraud.