Online gaming platform adopt deferred online payment

- KreditFly, payment solution provider for virtual goods purchases in the field of online games, proposes its customer to pay his first purchase on credit so that he can play without being interrupted by the payment process.
- Facebook adopted the same approach and currently tests the “Pay Later” option making it possible to purchase virtual goods by using a cashfront system which does not exceed 50 Facebook Credits. The payment is performed later on.
- Finalising the user's purchase act is not easy and 64% of the online transactions are dropped. E-commerce players must then try to make this process as simple as possible without neglecting security requirements with which remote transactions must comply. Providing the user with a cash front for his first purchase (on limited amounts and with the possibility to black list him if he does not eventually pay) makes it possible to prevent him from having to stop his current online activity. Other solutions, such as “PayPal for Digital Good” micro-payment, can also be used: they may directly be integrated in the e-commerce platform and enable purchase of digital contents in two clicks.
- These possibilities have high strategic value for banking and financial institutions selling products online (credit, saving solutions, etc.). However, whatever the dematerialisation level of this process, finalising a purchase requires at least that a contract be signed and elements likely to authenticate the user be provided. This process is still restrictive and induces many losses. As there exists no general agreement on digital signature, solutions are being developed, such as the one proposed by miiCard, in the United States, which enables total dematerialisation of contract subscription processes through the use of a digital ID card with legal value.