Authentication: Google Patents Face Recognition Solution
- Google has won a face-to-unlock patent to let several users share a single (mobile) device. These users simply would face the built-in camera to access their respective profiles; the identification process relies on their predetermined identity.
- The patent (Login to a computing device based on facial recognition), filled end 2011, has not yet been applied to specific products; the upcoming versions of Android could include it. Ice Cream Sandwich already integrates a face recognition feature (FaceVault – also available in iOS) and these technologies have already been adopted for some Smartphones including Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Nexus.
Source: Engadget
- Manufacturers and developers now focus on biometrics to ascertain their users’ identify: Sony for instance filed a patent for a fingerprint sensor (see April 2012 Insight); and Apple filed one for a face recognition solution in December 2011 (see January 2012 Insight). This new patent applies to a product relatively similar to Apple’s and might not help relieve tensions in the manufacturing war. By the by, Apple’s interest in biometrics has further been highlighted by its expressed intent to purchase AuthenTec (see August 2012 Insight).
- Tech-savvy users may find these features of interest, however a major threat remains as malicious individuals could use pictures of the users to access the accounts: a second authentication factor (alphanumeric or PIP) is then required.